The Leger ME Group Library

This is how the system works.  

You send a request for the book of your choice to or 01302 787353

 If the book is available it can be collected from a group meeting or it will be posted to your home via first class mail (or you will be informed that you will be put on the waiting list for it).  The lending period will be one month from the date of posting and the return date will be written on a slip of paper enclosed with your book. You will need to ensure you return the book to the Redmond Centre or post the book via first class mail to The Redmond Centre, using the sticky label supplied, so that it gets back into the system by the end of your month’s loan period.  The system will rely on members returning the books within the given timeline.  We still have some money to purchase a few books of our own and ideas are welcome



Action for ME

Pacing for People with ME

Fiona Agombar

Beat Fatigue with Yoga

Nick Bamforth

ME/CFS and the Healer Within

Prof J Brostoff & Linda Gamlin

The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance

Jan Brumfitt

The Final Surrender - A Journey to Wellness

Dr J & Mrs F Campling

CFS/ME - Your Questions Answered - 1998 Edition

Dr J & Mrs F Campling

CFS/ME - Your Questions Answered - 2001 Edition

Leon Chaitow

Candida Albicans

Deepak Chopra

Boundless Energy

Jane Colby

Zoe's Win

Hazel Courtney

What's the Alternative?

Drs Dawes & Downing

Why ME? Guide to Combating Post-Viral Illness

Patrick Holford

Optimum Nutrition

Alex Howard

Why ME

Dr Darrel Ho-Yen

Better Recovery from Viral Illness

Dr Darrel Ho-Yen

Unwind, Understand & Control Life Better

Janet Hurrell

A Helping Hand Through ME

Gill Jacobs

The Natural Way, CFS

Dr A Macintrye

ME Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How to live with it

Dr M Midgley

A Life Worth Living-A Practical Guide to Living with ME

Optimum Health Clinic

ME In The 21st Century

Dr R Perrin

The Perrin Technique

A Melvin Ramsay

ME & Post-Viral Fatigue States

Sheffield City Council

Easy Going Trails

Dr C Shepherd

Living With ME

J Tietelbaum MD

From Fatigued to Fantastic

Kat Duff

The Alchemy of Illness