‘Debilitating disease still not officially recognised!’
by Stuart Chandler
Reprinted from Doncaster Free press Page 12 3rd May 2001.
Eleven years ago Marion Jones had a bout of 'flu. She still hasn't recovered
from the after-effects. Following the initial illness she suffered extreme
fatigue. Her voluntary work suffered and she eventually ended up bed bound for
three years. She was diagnosed with a post viral condition by doctors and
advised to rest. Marion, 53, is now in a wheelchair, and is looked after by her
husband, Malcolm. She can no longer work, can barely move during the first part
of the day and has developed chemical intolerances. Her chances of recovery,
according to her doctors, are slim, she may not recover at all. Marion now knows
that she suffers from M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) the disease which used to
be called "yuppie flu."
According to the national organisation, Action for ME, the condition affects an
individual at a physical, mental and emotional level. Symptoms include extreme
fatigue, muscle pain, flu like malaise, difficulties with concentration and
memory, loss of balance, and alcohol intolerance. Some sufferers also experience
digestive problems, food allergies, visual disturbances, migraines, sleep
disorders, poor temperature control and mood swings. Symptoms fluctuate wildly,
with frequent periods of remission and relapse. People's lives, careers,
relationships and families can be torn apart. The organization says that M.E.
has no identifiable cause, but the most common trigger appears to be a viral
infection. There have been insufficient studies to give exact figures but it is
likely that around 150,000 people in the UK have ME. Around 20 per cent are
According to the local group, there are about 450 people in the Doncaster area
with the condition. Mike Valentine of Action for ME, Doncaster, said:- "These
figures are based on estimates because ME is not officially recognized. Those
who have the condition are treated by enlightened G.P.’s, private practitioners
or alternative therapists. The syndrome is not life threatening. "But the
suicide rate among sufferers M.E. is high because the symptoms can very easily
lead to depression," said Mike.
Marion, who lives in Branton, said:- "I'm so lucky to have Malcolm to look after
me, this condition is so debilitating, people have tried to be understanding but
they don't know what the pain is like. The fatigue is not simply tiredness, it's
complete inability to do anything.